Zamp.Finance Technical Briefing

About Zamp.Finance

Technical briefing by Amit Jain and Raghav Saraf

Overview of Briefing


Amit Jain starts the demo off with a brief background on Zamp.Finance and the problem they are solving. They are working to be the senior global business banking partner. 


Raghav Saraf takes over to start the demo. Raghav shows us a demo of what the product will look like shortly after this demo. There are 5 components they are building: Payouts, seemingly pay someone with either fiat or digital currencies, Accounts, have sub accounts for each department or subsidiaries, Treasury, invest funds into US Treasuries or bonds, Cards, issues cards for balances, Pay-Ins, receive fiat or digital assets from customers. 


Raghav starts with Payouts. We see the dashboard and balances can be held in either fiat or digital currencies. We move through a transfer, first seeing a list of currencies that can be used in a transaction. For this demo, we see an example of transferring SOL into Indian Rupees, with a fee and conversion numbers. Just like that, the transaction is submitted. A seamless transaction. Raghav then shows us the transactions page, where all transactions are posted and the status can be reviewed. 


Next we move into the second component, Accounts. Each account is able to hold fiat or digital currencies. Accounts are given a unique deposit address and bank account details. This enables finances to be operated seamlessly. This allows managers to review and keep track off all transactions within accounts, with the ability to approve or deny transactions. 


Next, we move onto Treasury. With this component, users are able to invest into bills, bonds, and notes. This is chosen by the user’s preference, which is decided during onboarding. Funds can be moved in and out easily from the Treasury Account. Once funds are deposited into the Treasury account, they are automatically invested into the fund that has been configured. 

5:33- 6:12

Raghav shows us the Cards component. Each team member and subaccount can be issued a card. Cards can be multi-currency, with conversions done automatically when the card is used. Raghav shows us how to issue a card. 


The last bit Raghav shows us Pay-ins. This component is used to receive funds from currency. Payment links can be received in either fiat or digital currencies. Raghav shows us what the process is when being paid in digital currencies. We see the process of doing this transaction. Payments are settled in a Zamp digital asset account.  


Raghav shows us a demo of making a payout to a community member that attended the event. We see how easy and seamless it is to send funds to an individual. 


We move into some of the APIs that are used for these components. We see how the information provided in the transactions are organized. For Pay-ins, a payment gateway can be integrated with a clients system. Integration between a customer and Zamp is easy. 


Raghav closes out the demo with a brief closing statement.

Additional Briefing Information

This briefing was held at V-Sum_Eighteen on January 10, 2023. V-Sum_Eighteen was made possible by IowaEDA and Brale